Give Back to the Institution

Ronald S. and Mary Brockway

Ronald S. and Mary Brockway

To celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary and give back to the institution that made such an impact on their lives, Ronald S. and Mary Brockway chose to create a Regis legacy. Having taught at Regis, Ronald full-time and Mary part-time, they have been deeply influenced by Regis’ commitment to providing a quality education for the leaders of tomorrow. In fact, Regis is held in such high regard that all four of their children chose Regis at some time in their lives. The Brockways have supported Regis financially for years but decided their 50th wedding anniversary was the “perfect backdrop to celebrate the fact that a Regis education helped our children.” To commemorate this special occasion and pay forward this gift, they chose to establish a scholarship and make a legacy gift intention through their estate so others could benefit from the Regis experience. “We believe in our responsibility to help our community and give back to those in need.”